Some essential tips for flat abs diet
5 Oct
What is flat abs diet?
Trying desperately to get rid of the belly fat? Tired of crunches, sit-ups and crash diets? Well, there is no easy or quick way to flat abs honestly; it can only be achieved with a right blend of flat abs diet and regular exercises.
Flat abs diet definitely does not mean starving yourself, it means eating the right food in a right way. It is very important to understand that you eat enough and proper food so that your body does not suffer from malnutrition and hormonal imbalance. Also a proper healthy diet helps you to lose weight faster than you would by starving or following a crash diet; because it is essential that we intake 1200 calories a day, any lesser than that it would affect the synthesis of leptin a key hormone responsible for fat-burning process and regulation of metabolism.
Before we list down what you should and should not eat, understand that your body needs complete nourishment, hence your diet should be balanced which should have lean proteins and fibers in huge quantities, carbohydrates and starches should be spaced out and far and few.
Make the change in your diet
Make the following changes in your diet, follow through diligently and persistently to get rid of the belly fat.
Cut that junk and high calorie food: Alcohol, refined sugar, processed food and caffeine are the types of food that helps the fat to stick to our body. Start with cutting down on these food groups.
Include lot of lean proteins: We need 0.8 g of protein against per kilogram of body weight, a fact established by the Institute of medicine of U.S National Academy of Sciences to stay fit. List of lean meat:
- Skinless chicken breasts, they have about 8 g protein per oz. It is the cheapest and the best source of lean protein available.
- Seafood or fish, tuna, salmon, trout are some of the other sources of lean meat.
Egg whites digest quickly and are a good source of protein, ensure you remove the egg yolk that contains cholesterol and fat. Beans (any variety) they are not only rich in protein but are also good source of fiber and contain all the essential amino acids. Dairy products, they are good source of protein but also contain lactose (sugar content), hence, instead of using full fat dairy products, go for skimmed and low fat milk and yogurt.
Protein powder, in case you cannot manage to intake enough protein through food, you can go for protein powder as other alternative; they are made from various sources such as soy, egg, whey and casein.
Nuts in moderate quantities: It has actually been observed that diets that have monounsaturated fats in it have helped in getting rid of the belly fat. Include nuts such as almonds and walnuts in small portions; do not over-do as these have high calorie content. A recommended portion size is 0.5 oz.
Whole grain food/breads: Reach out for wholegrain bread instead of white bread, whole grain breads are rich in fiber as against the white bread.
Large portion of vegetable a fruits: They are best source of fiber and essential vitamins, fruits and vegetables also make you feel fuller throughout the day and help to eat less. Include lots of green vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, celery and cabbage. Citrus fruits such as oranges, strawberries, blueberries are rich in vitamin C and good source of antioxidants that helps in fighting free radicals and reduce the belly fat.
Drink water: Keep yourself hydrated and drink plenty of water, this helps in improving your metabolism and boosts weight loss.
Fatty acid supplements: Fish oil supplements are source of omega 3 fatty acids that are very effective in burning fat.
Way to follow your flat abs diet
Eat at regular intervals of 3-4 hours, this keeps your metabolism functioning at its best. Do not over eat or binge. Instead grab a fruit or plate of salad.
Eat raw fruits and vegetables; include at least one large portion of raw vegetables and fruits in your diet. Have salads with low fat dressing, or just whole fruits.
Do not overcook your meal, it will strip them off their essential nutrients, grilling, baking, blanching, boiling are some of the cooking methods you should stick to.
Do not skip meals and stay hungry, it will only slower down the metabolism and hamper the fat burning process. Especially your breakfast, it is the most important meal of the day.
Flat abs diet will not be effective if you do not follow it up along with routine exercises for belly fat. Only crunches and sit ups will not help, combine them with various exercises that can help you to shape all the abdominal muscles, include strength training for building up the core, muscle strength and improving metabolism. A set of cardio exercises is must for losing overall body fat.
Persistently and religiously follow the diet and exercise routine, remember getting flat abs has not short cuts.
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