The Truth About How To Get Flat Abs
12 Nov
>>Foods which help you to get a flat stomach!<<
Despite all the facts, many people still believe they can get flat abs if they do a lot of abdominal exercises. Even after talking to numerous trainers and going through an umpteen number of articles about how to get flat abs, they end up thinking that there is just something wrong with their technique of exercises. The truth remains that getting a six-pack is really hard and if you haven’t seen yours after all the efforts you’ve put it, maybe it is not what you’re doing in the gym that is the problem.
Ditch the Myth
You can do all the crunches you want to and you’ll never get a flat stomach. Exercising a certain area of the body to get rid of fat is a myth that somehow needs to be busted again and again. The idea is great, but it doesn’t work. The main focus should always be on one thing; the diet. Now again, there are loads of articles and books on the perfect diet to lose belly fat. While they may work for a while, say a month or two, it usually fails over the long term. Why? Those diets are based on putting your body into a catabolic fat burning state for an extended period of time leading to the respectable results when you’re done with the diet. However, once your body returns to its state of normalcy, your metabolism shifts to its prior rates and it focuses on anabolic functioning to bring back what it thinks it ‘lost’.
A moment on your lips, a lifetime on your hips
So what do we really need to do in order to get an ironed midsection? This is it; a 40-40-20 diet. That is 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates and 20% fats. You can play around with it by making it 50-40-10 or 45-45-10 if you like, but the focus is on long-term results and the reduction of body fat. You needn’t even think about ab exercises anymore. Your nutrition is way more important than the training you do. By adopting the above diet, you can never go wrong with your health either. Crash dieting makes you feel dreary and gives you the feeling of eating cardboard at meal times leading to drops in motivation. By maintaining the 40-40-20 diets or anything of the likes, you condition your body to function in a way that it is best suited for. Your often ignored nervous and neuro-muscular systems get a major boost from the nutrient deprived states that they were in earlier leading to more efficient results. So there’s our answer to the question of how to get flat stomach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a vegan, vegetarian, omnivore or carnivore, just stick to healthy eating and regular exercise.
Additionally, some of the foods to reduce belly fat are almonds, black coffee, blueberries and flax seed. Combine all of this with regular cardio exercise and strength training for the entire body and not just isolation, and you’ll have a healthy body that will work the way it does today, even after 20-30 years.
You really don’t have to ‘worry’ about how to get flat abs when you have the mindset and motivation to persevere through the little changes that you’ll have to make. Getting a flat stomach is a long-term goal and it’s only justifiable in the laws of nature that if you’ve spent 4 months gaining the weight, you should take at least 2 months to lose it. This way, your body stays lean while also keeping your mind and heart healthy and wise without putting it through hell for that ‘beach bod’.
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