Which are healthy foods to eat everyday?
11 May
You might be wondering: what foods to eat that will help you achieve and maintain a healthy and lean body.
For perfect health and fitness, you should strive to eat a balanced diet every day at every meal. You also need to make necessary changes in your lifestyle, for instance, doing exercises a couple times a week.
This way you will be able to have control over your health and more importantly keep obesity, overweight and associated diseases at bay. Below are healthy foods to eat every day to get a lean body and maintain it.
Eat proteins
The common fat blasting protein foods are Seafood, skinless white chicken, fat less dairy and lean meat. Vegetarians shall have to be inventive with their plant proteins, combining two or more options like roasted soy nuts and peanut butter in their meals.
Proteins perform many functions within the human body including DNA replication, responding to stimuli, muscle repair and maintaining cell shape and stability, and transporting molecules within the blood stream.
How proteins assist in health and fitness
Experts tell you to reduce food rations for a lean body and to be able to shed off the stubborn belly fat. However, taking plenty of proteins and fewer carbs in your meals ensures that you stay full for long. Proteins slow down digestion making filling you fast so that you won’t overeat and further grow your belly.
Proteins regulate the absorption of sugars into your blood stream, therefore, reducing your risk of type 2 diabetes. Proteins also require more energy in digestion, thus activating more calories burning to sustain the process.
Protein fuels fat metabolism. Excess fat in the body contributes to overweight and obesity; proteins provide necessary enzymes to catalyze fat break down.
Proteins serve to replenish muscles after a workout. Since proteins are body building components they repair and revitalize muscle cells, keeping you fit and strong.
Benefits of vitamins
Vitamins are organics that your body needs to grow and develop normally. They boost your immunity and general health. Foods rich in vitamins are also low calorie. Adding some extra vitamin servings to your meal can help you sustain metabolism for fitness and good health.
The B complex of the vitamins that includes vitamins B1 to B12 aids in the metabolism of proteins and fat, a formation of hemoglobin, DNA formation, and boosting the body’s immune system. Foods rich in the B complex vitamins include whole grain, fortified bread, cereals and legumes, milk and milk products, green vegetable, strawberries, lettuce, citrus fruits, and papayas among others.
Vitamin C is required by the body for protein metabolism and boosting the immune system, it is found in fruits and vegetables like citrus. Vitamin A is important for vision and protecting the body from infections. Vitamin A can be obtained from liver and dairy products. Vitamin D can be obtained from milk, fish, and fortified margarine. Vitamin E is found in vegetables, avocado, sunflower, and peanut. Vitamin K is important in blood clotting and is obtained from soybeans, green leafy vegetables, turnip, and spinach.
Choose the right carbohydrates
Carbohydrates supply the body with energy and are found in fruits, vegetables, bread and dairy products. White carbohydrates are saturated with starch and immediately after consumption they hike your blood sugar levels and in most occasions lead to overweight.
Starch resistant carbohydrates like corn or brown bread do not increase your blood sugar levels after a meal and will keep your blood sugar balanced for a long time. This reduces your risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.
Metabolism requires energy and this is achieved when carbohydrates are burned down to energy. Starch resistant carbs catalyze faster metabolism so that few calories are stored, this helps you get the flat stomach you want. Go for carbohydrates like brown bread, popcorn, or brown rice. Avoid fizzy drinks, fruit juices, and alcohol for they are saturated with sugars.
Fiber carbohydrates are the bomb
Fiber helps in digestion and prevents constipation. In most people midriff fat build up is a result of improper digestion. You should get at least 30 grams of fiber daily from foods such as nuts, beans, oatmeal, leafy green vegetables and fruits
Unsaturated fats
Unsaturated fats are good for your health and can reduce your risk of heart diseases. They are obtained from plants for example avocados, nuts, and seeds are good for your health. They are easily broken down during metabolism and are free from bad cholesterol.
Healthy eating and regular workout are all it takes for you to get a perfect lean body, stay healthy and fit. It starts with watching out what is on your plate and glass, and then working out occasionally.
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